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Lutronic Corp, Center of Excellence Award

Center of Excellence Award from Lutronic Corp.

The award recognizes Lutronic Corp. Korea., Global Number 1, among many Lutronic Devices users worldwide

* Show the most Good Before & After results

* Most satisfied customers

* Experienced and skilled in the field of Aesthetics

*The award given only to doctors who attended 70% Lutronic training

The doctors who received this award from Myanmar in 2019 are:

Dr. Zun Ko Lwin (The Queen clinic)

Dr. Aung Thiha (Doctor A esthetic clinic)

Dr. Theint Han Htwe (Skindrella clinic)

The following is a list of winners from around the world:

(1)Dr. Weiner -The Aesthetic Clinique (In US, Panama City)

(2)Dr.Cindy McClure -Southern Cosmetic Laser (In US, South Caroline)

(3)Dr. –New Visage Laser Skin Care Center (In US, North Caroline)

(4)Dr.Cohen -About skin Dermatology (In US, Colorado)

(5)Dr.Eugene Nowak -Nowak Aesthetic

(6)Dr.Toledo Librado Jr. -Toledo Medical Compaines (In Philippines, Manila)

(7)Dr.Omar Ibrahimi -Connecticut Skin Institute (In US, Stamford)

(8)Dr.Young -West Coast Laser and Aesthetics (In US, Portland)

(9)Dr. Leon Tcheupdjian

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